Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let today always be remembered as...

The day Eden pooped in the potty! Yep, you read that right. Eden sat on our toilet and pooped!!! There were lots of praises being sung and even a chocolate chip for her accomplishment! I am not sure if this will be a regular thing yet but she is definitely getting interested in using the potty and I am all for using less diapers (or in my case, washing fewer).

This brings me to how our family saves money. We use cloth diapers instead of disposable 90% of the time. The kinds of cloth diapers that are my favorites so far are Kawaii, Flips, and fleece covers (we only use these in the summer). I would say my whole stash of cloth diapers cost me around $200. I also have cloth diaper wipes and surprisingly our pediatrician was the one to recommend using them! I make my own wipe solution (water, a couple drops of baby soap, and small finger tip of coconut oil) and just spray it on their bums. I joked around with Garrett that I love cloth wipes so much that I thought about making cloth toilet paper - lets just say he did not find it funny (I, of course, did).

Washing cloth diapers is pretty simple. I have a reusable diaper pail liner (my pail is just a garbage can with a lid) that I collect all the diapers in. Every other day I empty everything into the washer, including the pail liner. I do a 15 minute oxy clean soak and then do a heavy wash with two rinse and spin cycles. It really is effortless in my opinion. Once a month I try and strip my diapers of soap residue so they won't have absorbency problems (I do everything the same before but instead of washing with Tide, I put in two drops of original Dawn and do an extra two rinse and spins).

Cloth diapering is not something for everyone. And I will admit that I don't enjoy washing diapers (it's not gross to me, it is just a little bit of work) but the money saving, plus the bum saving they have brought to our family are both a big plus!

And don't worry if you come to visit, we will forever have regular toilet paper in our bathroom!

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