Monday, October 11, 2010

What's in a name (or nickname)?

We were out with some people from our Marriage Matters ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) and both Garrett and I used nicknames for our kids...and then we realized just how stupid they must sound to outsiders. So, here is a list of our nicknames for our kids!

Eden: Eden Grace (not really a nickname but her full name), Nugget, The Nug, Nugget Jo, Nugget Joseph, Nugget Josephine, Joseph, Eden Nugget, Sister and a few others that I can't remember right now.

Cooper: Coop, Coop-dawg, Coop-daloop, Nug Boy, Nugget Broseph, Broseph, Little Dude, Mr. Man, Brother and a couple others as well.

If you hear us say one of these names, we are just referring to one of our lovely children:-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why having cute kids is not always a good thing...

Well, that is a lie. Having cute kids is always great, even when it costs you $6:-)

Here is the story:
I went to Target with both kids this afternoon. Both were being very good - Eden smiling and waving at anyone who would look her way and Cooper just being cute by sleeping. Well, I was finished with my shopping and had a total of three coupons which is a small amount for me and it was going to be an easy checking-out experience for all to be had. I even had my debit card ready to swipe and my PIN was at the tip of my fingers.

The cashier talked to me about my cute kids and waved at Eden and scanned my items and she acknowledged my coupons - all three of them. I had done my debit business and was loading up the cart and turned to hand her the coupons as she scanned the last item. She looked at me and asked me about bagging and then turned around (my hand was extended with the coupons) looking right at me and hit a button which finalized the transaction...all without my coupons.

Normally this would not have bothered me that much but my three coupons would have saved me $9! The cashier said she could give me cash for the value of my coupons and I was okay with this because money is money in my book. But here is where the tricky-sticky part came in (I am not totally sure it was legit for her to do what she was going to try in the first place). The line behind me was growing bigger and bigger and the thing she was doing only worked for one coupon. The other two she kept trying to scan and give me cash for but it wouldn't work. Cooper was starting to stir because it was time for us to go and him to eat. Eden was starting to melt because she had had enough of sitting in the cart. I was starting to sweat as the line was growing and all eyes were on me because I was that "crazy coupon lady" probably trying to get my 50 cents back.

After this had gone on for about 3 minutes she looks at me and says, "Well, you will just have to save these coupons for next time." The thing is there won't be a next time because these were due to expire and it is not something I buy on even a monthly basis. And it totaled $6 worth of savings. If I had been in my right state of calm-mom-of-two-little-ones mind I would have just went to customer service, explained the situation and returned and repurchased the items with the coupons in hand. But I looked her straight in the eye and smiled and said thanks and practically ran out of Target not looking at the poor souls who stood in line behind me.

I am proud to be a couponing mom but when it comes to making the line grow and people angry, it is just not me. I almost felt like apologizing for the two coupons that she was struggling with and buying them each a card (they make Hallmark cards for situations like this don't they?).

Anyway, my cute kids are too blame...and I am out $6...but at least my kids are cute, right?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Two Month Stats - Cooper Style:-)

Cooper had his 2 month check-up this past week and.........(drum roll please).....

He is the biggest 2 month old in our house! He weighs 11 lbs 11 oz and is 23.5 inches tall!!!! He is already 25% bigger than Eden was at that age and the doctor was surprised that he was so big considering he has pretty bad reflux and is a spit-up machine. We love him despite his sour smell that he sports most of the time even with daily baths:-)