Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not burst all of your bubbles

I know you all read my blog daily and wonder where I have been (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice) but I started a new blog and I actually blog around 6 days a week:-)

Monday, March 7, 2011

'Member that time?

'Member that time in fifth grade when I was sick with a stomach bug but some how convinced my mom I was not sick and that I needed to go to school. And 'member how I was sitting in class thinking I was going to throw up and ran out of the class room and stood in the hallway trying to decide which restroom was closer. Then how I threw up all over the hallway floor because I was could decide if going down three stairs would take less time than going up three stairs. And then remember how I was so embarrassed that I thought about never going back to school and convinced my mom to keep me out of class for a week. And then when I went back to school all of my friends thought I really had transferred?

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