Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

No more than 5 weeks:)

I have 5 weeks max until I am no longer pregnant! Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed every moment that I have had having this little girl grow inside of me but it is time for her to leave her home (aka my belly). Plus we have almost everything we need for her in her room – although we need to actually put everything together and set everything up. I want to put her in the cute little outfits and the girlie ruffle socks and put the little bows on her head (or glue them if she is bald – that’s what my mom did). I want to hold her in my arms and to watch Garrett play with her. I am ready to be done and just enjoy her as a baby outside my womb.

Since I am in the home stretch, I am really trying not to buy any new maternity clothes but with the way my belly keeps growing daily, I am not sure that will happen. Who knows if I will wear them for a day or for the whole 5 weeks. My coworkers might just have to put up with me wearing a nightgown to work…hopefully it doesn’t get to that point! But it would kind of be funny at the same time…LOL!

I had two baby showers this past week. They were both fun and I had a great time! I still hate being the center of attention, so I had to get over my anxiety of that but it all turned out great! Eden got some amazing gifts, all of which Garrett and I cannot thank everyone enough for. The love people have shown for our unborn daughter is truly humbling and the love they have shown for the two of us. Eden is going to be so lucky to be surrounded by a million people who will love her to pieces!! There was one set of gifts that just makes me laugh…they were for me because Mabel (a sweet older woman) thought I needed something of my own. She embroidered one bath wash cloth with birds, four cloth napkins with flowers and bees, a dish towel with a huge flower on it, two crocheted kitchen cloths, and the kicker – a tea towel with a giant elephant embroidered on it! It was all I could do to keep from laughing and it made me scared to see what her gift to Eden was. Eden got a cute little outfit and two blanket – none of which were embroidered. Mabel is such a sweet lady but please, no more embroidered stuff!

I sure hope that I can update soon saying that the doctor doesn’t think it will be long!!! Rest assured that there will be several blogs about the happenings of the next 5 weeks and my apologies up front, if I seem less than enthused about being pregnant – it is a joy! It’s just one that needs to come to an end.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I actually feel pregnant.

For the longest time I have felt pretty good with some complaints about being pregnant but today officially marks truly feeling pregnant. Feeling pregnant isn’t a bad thing, it’s just different.

Eden has finally dropped – which means that now my belly rests nicely on my thighs unless I am wearing a pair of maternity pants. I also feel the need to hold my belly up because it weighs so much. And I now prop my belly up at night when I am sleeping. Garrett keeps joking that he feels like something has come between us since I have so many pillows in bed. One of the best things about this is that I can finally breathe better! I am sure this will change as she grows but for now I am enjoying it. The other added thing to having her drop is that I now do the pregnancy waddle. I am sure it is a sight from behind and that it marks me as a pregnant woman.

I just found out this morning is that I can’t get out of bed without some sort of help. I tried to roll over to get up but I couldn’t get myself rolled with enough momentum to actually sit up. Then I tried using our head board as leverage to pull myself but I needed something pulling my arm forward to help. I am not sure how I actually got out of bed or how Garrett was able to sleep through my tossing and turning but after 2 minutes of struggling I somehow got out of bed.

This was a morning of firsts for me. Today just felt like a sock day. So I sat on the floor and put my nice fluffy socks on and grabbed a pair of shoes. I made my way to the couch and got myself all situated for getting them on and tied. Well, I realized that number one – I haven’t worn shoes that tie in almost a month and number two – that I couldn’t actually reach my feet. Finally after a 5 minute struggle I got my shoes on and tied (I double knotted them to ensure that they will not come untied until I am ready to take these shoes off completely). Geesh! What a morning!

As far as Eden goes, she is doing wonderful! She moves like crazy and we can actually feel her arms and feet by just pressing on my belly. She also loves it when Garrett gives my stomach raspberries because she squirms like crazy! We believe that she is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet because when we can actually feel them I tickle them and it makes her go nuts! We have our 35 week appointment next Friday and two baby showers, which will be very nice!