Monday, October 11, 2010

What's in a name (or nickname)?

We were out with some people from our Marriage Matters ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) and both Garrett and I used nicknames for our kids...and then we realized just how stupid they must sound to outsiders. So, here is a list of our nicknames for our kids!

Eden: Eden Grace (not really a nickname but her full name), Nugget, The Nug, Nugget Jo, Nugget Joseph, Nugget Josephine, Joseph, Eden Nugget, Sister and a few others that I can't remember right now.

Cooper: Coop, Coop-dawg, Coop-daloop, Nug Boy, Nugget Broseph, Broseph, Little Dude, Mr. Man, Brother and a couple others as well.

If you hear us say one of these names, we are just referring to one of our lovely children:-)


  1. Why is there a common name of "nugget" between the two? : o ). Glad to see you are all doing well!

    -Clayton Besong

  2. Not really sure about the nugget part but it just seems to fit and rolls off the tongue so easily;)
