Thursday, September 9, 2010

That is what I get...

For having two babies so close in age. What did I get? A van? A high-five? A hernia? We will be getting a van and I am sure I have gotten a high-five from someone for having babies. What I was not expecting to get was a hernia. I had my postpartum check-up on Tuesday and everything checked out good. I made a comment to my doctor that I hoped one day my stomach and specifically my belly button would look normal. He then dropped the H-Bomb - HERNIA! Wha-What?

I have a small hernia in my belly button. There is a fancy term for it but I am too lazy right now to swagbuck it. The doctor said that most likely it will go away on its own and that it really isn't that bad. But still, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. So I am working on strengthening these abs like it is going out of style. I am doing 75 sit-ups a day - I guess I am not as motivated as I was when I did all those squats. Maybe I will start doing some more. Who knows!

I am weighing less than I was with Eden at this time but still not quite to my postpartum weight. I think I would like to lose 3 more pounds or so. If I could lose them just in my tummy area that would be fantastic!

Life is going well here at the Hufford house! Cooper has been getting up at 2am, and then 6am to eat. I need to just start staying up after his last feeding but I crawl back into bed with just enough time to fall asleep before being woken up by a jibber-jabbering little one year old:-) He also is going to sleep around 7:30 but I wake him up at 8:30 for one last feeding before laying him down for the night. Tomorrow we are going to try and have him sleep up in his and Eden's bedroom. He sleep in his car seat so I am not sure if I will just put the car seat in the crib or not yet (he sleeps in his car seat because of reflux issues).

Anywho, Eden is waking up and then we are off to look for a van!!!! Woohoo!!! I am going to be a soccer mom! Now I just need to get the cute outfit to fit job;-)

1 comment:

  1. Now you need to get those little decals for the back window of the van- the ones that are little stick ppl dressed like little kids or Mommies and Daddies.
