Monday, August 23, 2010

Life with two

Here is a sample of my days right now:

6:30am/7am - Eden gets up -I give her a sippy of milk and get the coffee started.
7:30am - I get in the shower and Garrett plays with Eden.
7:45am - Cooper gets up and I feed him.
8am - I get breakfast for Eden and myself (if I can actually get any food in my own mouth).
8:30am - Eden gets a bath if she didn't get one the night before or we just get ready for the day.
9am - We play in their bedroom and read our Bible story of the day and a coup.
9:30am/10am - Nap time (both Cooper and Eden sleep at the same time in the morning - this makes mama very happy!!!).
*During nap time I finish getting myself ready for the day and look at my list of things I would like to accomplish during the week. I usually clean and do laundry during their morning nap and I also read my Bible and listen to sermons online.
11am/11:30am - Eden gets up and I get lunch ready.
12pm - We eat lunch and Cooper gets up and I feed him.
1pm - 3pm - We either play or we run an errand during this time and Cooper eats again.
2:30pm/3pm - Nap time!
4:30pm/5pm - Eden gets up from her nap and Cooper eats.
5pm - I start dinner and Eden plays in the kitchen with me. Daddy also comes home during this time!!!
6pm - Dinner:-) And then family time afterward (we go for walks or we Eden comes with one of us to do something alone with her).
7:30pm - Off to bed for Eden!
After Eden goes to bed Garrett and I spend time with each other (right now since Cooper is so little and doesn't have a set bed time yet, he joins in the fun by being held and eating).
10:30pm - We go to bed!

Cooper gets up two or three times a night depending on when he goes to sleep (and very soon he will go to bed at a set time). I also pump after every time I feed him (even in the middle of the night) to create a stash of breast milk and also because that is what we are giving Eden instead of Lactaid (she doesn't tolerate regular milk well yet and Lactaid is $4 for a half gallon - plus they recommend breast milk until the age of 2). Cooper is on a 3 hour eating schedule that he actually got himself on during the day, so he is pretty predictable. I do spend a lot of time changing diapers and cleaning up spit up and holding children but I wouldn't change it for the world!!

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