Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things I have found myself saying lately...

"Eden, do not touch the Bible." and "You know you are not supposed to touch the Bible."

"You need to eat your macaroni before you get anymore carrots."

"Please don't poop in the bath tub again."

"Please don't grab your brother's face."

"Eden, if you walk to mommy you will get a treat!"

Here are some funny pictures that I thought I would share!

Girl kisses make me want to throw up...hey, wait...I just did.

Mom, I am not too big for the swing!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! You know what they say- Insanity is genetic; you inherit it from your children.

    I say a lot of:
    "No, we don't pull puppy's tail- that hurts puppy."

    "No, not in the mouth (this applies to chalk, sticks, rocks, grass, crayons, etc)

    "The toilet brush is YUCKY- NOT a toy!"
