Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!!

Today marks a very important day - 2 wonderful, crazy years with a man who loves me beyond what I deserve!

These two years have been anything but what we thought they would...they have been better! But I would like to say thanks to my husband for these past 2 years. In two years, I have been pregnant more than I have not been (almost a total of 18 months out of 24) and my husband still finds me attractive. I have had morning sickness up the wazoo but he still rubs my back and cleans my face and even cleans the toilet after I am done. He also runs to the store in the middle of the evening because I NEED a turtle sundae two minutes ago. He makes the bed almost every morning and will even make it just minutes before we go to bed if it has been a crazy day because he knows how much I love getting into a made bed. He sends me encouraging messages throughout my day and even just calls to chat to see what I am up to and just to hear my voice. He looks forward to coming home after a long day at work just to be with his girls and to take care of them. He goes to all of my doctor's appointments that he can and even goes when I am just sick because he genuinely cares. He will pick up any medication and at any time for me because he just wants me to feel better. He always listens to my crazy rants and is quick to let me know when I just need to not say something. He also listens to my ideas for our family and crazy ways to cut costs and be kinder to the earth God has given us. He kisses me goodnight and always tells me he loves me and how beautiful he thinks I am. He gives me compliments even when I am most undeserving. He loves me more than I can describe and still looks at me with eyes that say I am the only one for him. He trusts me whole-heartedly.

I honestly could not be in love with a man more suited for me! Garrett displays Christ's undeserving love each day. I've been listening to a lot of Matt Chandler sermons and one thing he said is that unless you know Christ's love for you, you cannot truly love your spouse. I am so glad that my husband knows Christ and pursues Him before me because I know that he truly understands how to love me and that it is more than just this emotion that he feels.

Thank you Garrett for being my husband, my lover, my companion, my best friend! And thank you Jesus for consuming Garrett's heart with a desire to be more like You daily!

And the little girl in this picture loves you too!


  1. Aww, how special! Congrats on the anniversary! I pray you have many more years of love, happiness, and blessings from Christ!

    Also, I can't go to sleep in a messy bed either...we generally make our bed right before we crawl in, ha!

  2. Karlee, this is just a beautiful message to your hubby. Congrats on your anniversary and hope that God truly enriches both of you to continue to love one another, be each others servants, and be servants of God. Marriage is 100% on both sides, and for the looks of it, you have a beautiful relationship.

    Congrats again!
