Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pink frosting was a bad idea...

On July 13th Eden turned one!!!! Can you believe that time has gone that fast? I can't! I am amazed at her daily as she learns new things and what all she can remember. This past year has truly been a blessing. God has given Garrett and I a new perspective on His love for us through parenthood. We love her dearly and we cherish each day we have with her.

I had planned on having an elaborate duck-themed party for Eden and was going to make her a rainbow cake. I wish I could say I pulled it off being 9 months pregnant and all and get some sort of metal for being the best mom in the world but it didn't happen. Garrett and I decided to have a little family party and I broke down and bought a cupcake cake. Eden didn't seem to mind that there were no streamers or confetti or party hats, so I think she will forgive me for this one. We had a great time celebrating with family and her new little cousin Christopher! She got a new kitchen that left me drooling over how cool it was and making me wish that I was little again and could play house. She also got lots of Sesame Street stuff - she loves her Elmo!

The party turned out perfect and I wasn't stressed about a single detail. Eden loved her some cake, although I do suggest going with a white or chocolate frosting because the pink dye made everything that came out the other end a nice hot pink color for days:-)

I am still in shock that she is now one and has been apart of our family for a year. She has grown and changed in ways I would have never guessed and I get sentimental just thinking about it so I am going to have to stop!

Here are a few pictures of her big day:

In case any of you were wondering her 12 month stats: 29" for height, 19lbs 14oz for weight, and 44.5cm for head circumfrence. She is now not so long and skinny but she still is a petite little gal!
Oh and I am still baking this little guy (on Monday I will be 38 weeks)...and yes, I do about 80 to 100 squats a day...and yes, I am going to have buns of steel. We are praying for a delivery much like Eden's and are anticipating his arrival any day now:-)


  1. How fun! Eden is so adorable! I've been checking your blog constantly to see if there is an update about you're little guy and if you survived the trip to CO without popping!

  2. What a cutie. An entire year old! I love your humor, Karlee. Well, really i just love you in general. :)

  3. Next time we are in town, can I come over and play in Eden's kitchen? I would ask you to join but you probably can't bend over. I will be praying for an easy labor for you and Cooper.
