Friday, September 25, 2009

I wanted a pug but I’ll settle for a badger.

Okay, now I have a little story to tell and it’s not really Eden related but I will try and make it so it is. You see, every morning when Eden goes to make coffee she peers out into the backyard. Eden has always wanted a pug but dad says no to a pet just yet which makes both Eden and I sad. Anyway, one morning when Eden was putting away the dishes before making coffee she noticed a little grey animal chillin’ in the back yard. She came running to me and told me to come look. We thought our prayers for a pug had been answered until I realized it wasn’t a pug. Eden went to tell dad that there was a furry little creature in the backyard and to come look. Dad looked in the backyard and saw nothing and thought both Eden and I made the whole thing up. Eden and I saw the furball several times over a few days and Eden wanted to pet it but I said no. But since dad won’t let us get a pug just yet I said we could keep it.

Then this week, Garrett came home and told us he saw our little furry friend! We discussed what we thought it was. Eden and I thought it was a beaver without a tail or the buckteeth that got abandoned by his family because of his disabilities (he was unable to make a dam – how shameful). Garrett told us that it was probably a muskrat (none of us had ever seen one so we didn’t know what it was). But a day later after Garrett examined the little creature he determined it was a badger. We decided he needed a name and Eden thought Badge would be cool but dad thought Bob was better. Well, Eden and I out ruled dad on this one and his name is Badge:) He currently resides in our backyard and we saddle him up and Eden goes for rides! Not really but you get the picture. We don’t have a pug but we do have a badger. Pretty cool, huh?

Update on this: My dad said that badgers will ruin your lawn and that we need to have animal control come and take him to a proper place for a badger. So my hopes of having a pet were just crushed.

Eden is such a good little baby. Garrett and I are pro-sleep training (I know this isn’t for everyone but for the friends of our, who have done it, it has worked wonders). So we decided to give it a try. I was kind of thinking in my head, if she cries more than 5 minutes I won’t do this ever again. Even though everyone said that it would be a couple of hard days and then it would work wonders. So the first night I put Eden in her crib when she done with her swing time (we put her in her swing for 30 minutes after she eats to reduce her spitting up and help with her acid reflux). I thought for sure she would cry. So I turned on her sleepy lamb (plays the sound of a heartbeat) and she was wide awake. Five minutes go by and she wasn’t crying. I go and check on her to find that she is still awake but looking a little sleepy. Ten minutes later I go in and find a sleeping little nugget! She put herself to sleep with no crying!! She has done this ever since (this has been going on for almost 4 weeks now). I am amazed!!! She goes into her crib at 8:30pm. No cries, although sometimes when she has a tummy ache she needs her paci re-put in a few times (she still doesn’t cry, just squeaks for it).

I honestly didn’t think it would be this easy and I am afraid of what our future kids will be like. But she is a happier baby throughout the day because she goes to bed at the same time. She also now gets sleepy around 8 after she eats so we might be moving up her nighttime feeding so she can go to bed earlier. We truly have been blessed!


  1. hehe...cute story! Yea for sleep training! We swear by it and our baby did cry for 3 days when we hour and 15 the first night!!! It was terrible but he managed to survive-can you even believe it?

  2. This is too cute! I am glad she is sleeping well for you!!!
