Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I would first like to say that no matter what we were having we were going to be excited!!

We feel so incredibly blessed to be having a daughter! I can’t wipe the silly grin off my face! It makes everything so much more real when we found out and instead of calling her “the baby” or always referring to her as “it” (that one always made me feel like we were not having a baby but some kind of monster) we now can refer to her as a her or our daughter or our little girl or by her name – Eden Grace Hufford (Garrett and I had a few names picked out but when we were told it was a girl – he deemed her Eden Grace). I am so in love with her! I can’t wait to see her little hands and feet and to have her be ours!

The appointment went extremely well! She is right on schedule – 21 weeks. She weighs almost a pound and is around 10 inches long (skinny little thing) and a mover and a shaker. The nurse kept trying to get a good picture of her but she was moving around a ton. Then when the nurse was trying to get her to spread her little legs she kept them closed for most of the appointment (I think she was just trying to be modest). But when she finally let us see that she was a girl it was clear – there was nothing between her little legs! We not only got to find out she was a girl but we were able to see the 4 chambers of her heart and watch it beat and see her stomach and her brain. Sometimes I will admit she looked like an alien because of the ultrasound and at one time she looked like she had put a little skeleton suit on and I started cracking up. After we had the ultrasound we met with the doctor and he said that I was doing great and the baby was perfect! All in all, it was the best appointment yet!

I am going to try and post the pictures we got since I have them with me at work right now. And as soon as I remember to get the pictures of our camera I will post some of me and my growing belly!
Well, I am not sure how to change where these are posted...but these are the clearest ones of our daughter.

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