Thursday, March 19, 2009

And so it begins...

Well, I would love to say that right now I am enjoying my growing belly but I am not. I do enjoy looking pregnant but the fact that my belly itches constantly and feels like my skin cannot stretch any further is not the most pleasant. Also the feeling of not being able to take a full breath or being able to slouch (I guess this could be good for my posture) are not comfortable at all. My belly button is half inny, half outty. The top part is almost out while the bottom half is still in. I am not sure when it will just pop all the way out. I will admit that I have tried to help it out a little bit because I feel the extra skin my relieve some of the pressure I am feeling, but I had no luck.

To top it off, sleeping has actually become a challenge. My left hip falls asleep when I sleep on it and it also falls asleep when I am on my right side. The only way to avoid this weird feeling is to “prop” myself up so my back is at a 45 degree angle to the bed. I either do this with pillows or Garrett:) It’s a good thing he is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t mind me half laying on him. Sometimes, he will feel me move around at night and actually ask, “Do you need me to prop you up?” And then he moves on over!

Other than the expanding belly complaint and not sleeping the greatest, I am feeling great! I get the joy of feeling little Eden kick and punch and play DDR on my organs! And I can actually see my stomach move when she does! Garrett enjoys feeling her too and when he does he always asks, “What does it feel like having her move inside you?” I try to answer as best as I can but I end up telling him that he would have to be pregnant to find out. I really find it a complete joy to being growing this little girl inside me! I feel there is already this deep bond and connection between the two of us just because she depends on me.

Oh the joys and complaints of being pregnant! ****I would like to add that I would be miserable everyday just for her, if that is what it took to bring her healthy and strong into this world.

1 comment:

  1. Karlee- I feel your pain, I am having trouble with both hips. Sleeping on the heating pad with a pillow between my legs helps sometimes. Also, I don't know if you've tried this, but Burt's Bee's Mamma Bee Belly Butter really helped with my itchy skin (belly, legs, back and breasts)
