Monday, February 23, 2009

A baby is definitely in there!

All I can say is that at 19 weeks, I feel our child moving A LOT! I started feeling something different in my lower abdomen at about 15 weeks but at about 16 weeks I was sure what I was feeling was the little baby inside me:) It is probably the coolest feeling in the world! And to know that something really is alive in me is amazing! I feel movement all the time now and I even tried to see if Garrett could feel our little son or daughter dancing (aka kicking and punching) because these feelings are very noticeable and strong now. But as soon as Garrett touched my belly, the feelings went away. I am sure they just feel strong to me but not strong enough to be felt through the different layers protecting it. Oh well! Soon enough the baby will be moving like crazy and everyone will want to feel:)

Other than that, not much has gone on since I last updated. I still get the occasional morning sickness and am liking less food all the time because of it, but I can’t complain. Two weeks from today we will be able to tell if the baby is a boy or a girl (as long as the baby is cooperating)!!!!!!! I really wonder what we are having. Garrett thinks it’s a boy and I pretend to think it’s a girl, but I kind of think it’s a boy just because I’ve been calling it a he from the beginning. I do want a little girl and I do want a little boy so there won’t be any complaining either way:) It will be nice to know just for practical reasons, such as clothing and bedding stuff goes. We were given some neutral Winnie the Pooh bedroom stuff that is adorable! But even though it is neutral it has ruffles and looks feminine. I am sure babies don’t care whether they sleep on pink or blue but if we have a little boy I want to have little boy looking stuff. If we have a girl I think the Pooh stuff will be just fine.

No matter if it is a boy or a girl we will love having a new little addition to our family:)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You started feeling the baby way earlier than I did. I didn't feel it until 20 weeks! Dan's face the first time he could feel it from the outside was so cute- I wish I could have gotten a picture! I am glad you are feeling good and I can't wait to find out what you are having! I am gonna guess that you are having a girl.
