Wednesday, February 4, 2009

16 weeks and feeling good...

So I had my 16 week check up todayJ It always makes me happy to go to the doctor and I was even happier to find out I hadn’t gained a ton of weight like I thought I had! I know I am pregnant and supposed to gain weight but when the baby is as small as it is – it’s hard to grasp how in the world I’ve already gained THAT much weight.

We listened to the heartbeat as usual and it sounded soooooo strong! It was 144 beats per minute. My mom’s reaction was that it must be a boy because it’s in the “boys” range for heartbeats. But the last time it was 155 and she told me I was definitely having a girl. Someone told me that I was having a girl because I was gaining weight all over (not a good thing to tell a pregnant woman who cries at the drop of a hat) – I had to keep from telling her that she must be having a girl too because she was gaining weight all over. Someone also told me that my butt had gotten a little wider (they said hips but aka that means my behind) and apparently I am having a boy – again, I almost checked out their behind and told them they must be having a boy too. Geesh!

We get to go for THE ULTRASOUND at our next visitJ We had to push it off a week because Garrett was going to be gone on a service trip…I have to wait 5 weeks instead of 4…oh well. I am still amazed that there is a little boy or girl growing inside me. What made God think that we are worthy to be parents? And I am also amazed at the process of this baby growing….all the little things that have to happen to make everything grow just right. I am in awe of God’s design. He had a hand in making me and now He is making a little baby in me….WOW!!!!! I am praying for this child already – that he or she will know Christ. And that their future spouse would be a Jesus loving man or woman. And that Garrett and I will be good parents and raise our children in a Christian home. Soooo much to think about and pray about!

On a completely different subject, I cannot fit into regular pants any more but can’t fit into most of my maternity pants that I bought because my tummy isn’t that big yet. I am no longer nauseated all the time but the list of foods I am willing to eat is steadily decreasing by the day. I am really craving Mexican food all the time!!! So, if you are having anything of that nature for dinner make sure to invite me overJ Pizza is still pretty high up on my list. I wonder if when this baby is finally born I will wake up the next day and think “I want some broccoli and some chicken and a hamburger.” Or if I will still hate those foods. Any ideas?

Well, I will be posting some pictures soon I promise! And hopefully a video of the next ultrasound (they will burn the whole ultrasound on a CD for usJ). So, stay tuned….


  1. Karlee! I love hearing about everything! Just don't worry so much about your weight you are a beautiful woman! So beautiful. Its natural when your pregnant! Love you!, Katie

  2. I have to second the "don't worry so much about your weight" comment. Your doctor should be able to let you know what is healthy and what isn't. The "What to Expect When You Are Expecting" has very detailed information about a healthy diet and recipe ideas. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Best of luck to you!
