Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This is a picture of Garrett and I. As you can tell we are buff, but we want more. We want more buffness. Lots more buffness. So we have enlisted the help of Tony Horton and the power of P90 (pre-cursor to P90X). Just wait until you see how buff we are AFTER:-)


  1. Wow, you guys are hot! I may have to borrow that...

  2. so, not to offend or anything, but garrett looks like he might be having kind of a hard time tying his shorts. maybe in addition to P90, he should consider a preschool refresher course.

    at least he looks happy about the fact that he can't tie his shorts. he always has been a 'glass is half full' kind of guy.

    you, by the way, are looking awesome. all cool and calm and collected. you go girl.
